It’s been staggering to witness the damage in NYC where I live—the subways flooded, huge trees uprooted and plucked like a weed, then smashed into homes, the city pitch black in sections…my friends without heat….and in Long Island, Staten Island and New Jersey…treasured homes ripped, sliced, and burned to the ground.
It’s devastating.
We need hope in times like these, and it’s been heartening to see the NJ Governor Chris Christie speak from his leadership position with such humanity and compassion, offering perspective and operating without politics.
We like leaders who remind us of what matters in life.
So regardless of where you live and what your week holds, think of the opportunities you have in your next communication—whether one on one or one to many…
How can you offer perspective?
How can you shepherd people?
How can you remind them what really matters?
It begins with reconnecting yourself first…what I call, “Looking at your life from the moon” and remembering why you do what you do.
Because in the end, it’s really quite simple, isn’t it?