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A new way to review & reset with your team

Hi there!

On January 1,

I sent out a link to a video in which

I shared a 10-minute ritual that

my husband and I do every year.

We got a ton of replies from people

who did the exercise and loved it.

If you missed the video,

you can watch it in the previous post.

This week, I wanted to share

how you can adapt and apply this exercise for your team.

Below is the overview of what to do:

VLC Ten-Minute Team Review & Reset Ritual™


  • Index cards—have approx 10-12 blank cards per person
  • Pens
  • Timer (countdown timer, stop watch, egg timer)

Victoria Labalme New Year Ritual for Teams

STEP 2 – GATHER YOUR TEAM (virtually or live)

  • Set aside 10 min for the exercise
  • (Block additional time if you want to share and discuss)

STEP 3 – REVIEW & RESET (10 min total)

  • Set the timer for 3 minutes (You can also keep it to 2 minutes if you’re alert; 3 is great too, but no more than 3. The key is focus and speed.)
    Important Note: do NOT look at your calendar and ask the team not to look at their calendars. The key is to see what comes to mind – not from your head, but from your heart and soul.
  • #1 – GREAT – Then, for 3 minutes, everyone jots down (on their own without talking) all that they can remember from last year that (as a team/company) was GREAT.
  • #2 – CHALLENGING – Then, for 3 minutes, everyone jots down (on their own without talking) all that they can remember from last year that (as a team/company) was CHALLENGING.
  • #3 – NEXT YEAR – Then, for 3 minutes, everyone jots down (on their own without talking) all that they would like to see more or do more of NEXT YEAR.

STEP 4 – SHARE (you’ll need more time for this)

  • Each team member reads off their cards items by category. So, for example, everyone (one by one) reads their notes on what was GREAT. Then everyone reads their notes on what was CHALLENGING, etc.
  • The key here is not to interrupt each other. This is the time for listening, not interrupting or commenting.
  • If you have a very large team, you can divide people into groups or breakouts.


  • For this phase, you’ll want to have a facilitated discussion, otherwise it can go a bit sideways.
  • If you need help, my team and I lead workshops in this area. Please reach out to us at [email protected].

Risk Forward and Rock On,


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