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It all comes together

It’s easy to think we have to

shave off parts of who we are

to fit into a mold or to think that

in focusing on one project,

we risk losing other parts of ourselves.

These concerns have certainly

riddled me at times in my life.

If I’m speaking to a corporate group,

do I need to hide that

I’m an artist at heart?

If I focus my energies on

producing and launching a film,

does that mean Rock The Room®

projects are now all in the past?

If I’m writing a book that’s soulful

and whimsical, does that erode

my standing with business audiences?

I used to worry A LOT about this.

The fact is, if you keep following

your Throughline, it all comes together.

Because the Throughline isn’t about

a particular goal or outcome.

It’s about that inner current, that force

which drives your actions and behavior.

And its expression may take many forms.

This past Sunday Oct 6,

Museum of the Moving Image (MoMI)

screened a documentary film

I conceived, co-produced, and launched

called Muppet Guys Talking (aka: MGT).

The film showcases the legendary

leadership style of Jim Henson

and how the culture he fostered

of risk-taking, collaboration, and play

generated such iconic work.

It’s been years since I watched the movie,

and it was incredible to see again

and experience it with a live audience.

Lots of laughter. Lots of smiles.

Afterwards, my husband and I

did a live Q&A on stage.

In prep, I used the skills

I teach in Rock The Room®.

And as I told the MoMI audience

(regarding the film which took

us five years to complete),

“Just because you haven’t worked

on something in a while doesn’t mean

you’re not meant to do it.”

(In fact, that very quote

which appears in Risk Forward

was inspired by my experience with MGT.)

The point is, you have an inner current,

––a Throughline––that drives your actions

and if you trust it and Risk Forward,

it will lead you to unimaginable

projects AND places.

And very likely, parts will come

together in unexpected ways.

As I say in the book,

“When your Throughline is buried,

it shows up as intuition.”

So Risk Forward, follow your Throughline,

Be Tenacious & Rock On,


P.S. Due to incoming requests, we’re planning to host a virtual, mini, Rock The Room® learning experience this winter for a limited group of people. If this is of sincere interest and you’d like to know more about it, please email me at victoria(at) and let us know. We’ll be sure to keep you posted.

Learn more about Keynotes, Communications Workshops and Rock The Room® Presentation Skills Coaching.


Photos provided by Eric Haynes at MoMI. 

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