Happy New Year!
For a long time,
(decades in fact),
I’ve wanted to visit Antarctica.
So this holiday season,
I finally did. And as I write this,
I’m here now with my husband, Frank,
on a 2-week expedition cruise.
Here are five insights from my trip:
1. LESS OWNERSHIP = MORE FREEDOM: There are few places on earth as barren as Antarctica, and in a similar way to my Alaska wilderness expedition years ago, I became acutely aware again of how much we each have in our homes. Our lives are rich with modern conveniences and material goods, 90% of which we don’t actually “need.” I’ve been a minimalist for years, but I’m even more inspired now to reduce my belongings. Less ownership of items (speaking for myself) = greater freedom.
2. EXPERIENCES MAGNIFY WHEN SHARED: While the trip would have still been incredible had I come alone, it’s infinitely more special because I’m here with Frank. That said, even if one does travel solo, sharing the experiences with family and friends via sending photos or telling of the adventures (or creating art as a result) makes it all so much more meaningful. Doing what you have dreamed of is not a selfish act; it’s a gift.
3. A TEMPTATION TO CANCEL *MAY* BE FEAR: If you’re close to bailing on a dream, vision, or adventure, it may well be because you’re simply scared. Stay the course. I almost cancelled and refunded this trip; I had a lot of “excuses.” But I realized ultimately this impulse was primarily because I was scared: of possible extreme physical discomfort; of rough seas; of the distance from home; of the tiny aircraft (on our return) which will take off from an Antarctic island. But I “risked forward”…and I’m so glad I did.
4. WHAT YOU ENVISION MAY NOT TRANSPIRE; BUT WHAT YOU DON’T EXPECT MIGHT BE EVEN BETTER: As with all adventures, it’s natural to study the promotional pics/videos and form a vision of what you think the trip will be like. Certainly some of what I expected occurred, but other parts didn’t. (Suffice it to say, weather in Antarctica can be intense and plans adjust.) But to my surprise, a few even more amazing experiences have unfolded. More on that in next week’s “Part 2” post.
5. DON’T WAIT: If you currently can afford an adventure or special activity that you have long yearned to do, don’t wait. The future is unknown. As I say in my keynote, “Life is not only short; it’s fragile and unpredictable.” And the bonus of taking action on your vision now is that you gain the new insights sooner and you get to relive the accompanying memories for an even longer time.
Sending all my best to you
from the bottom of the earth…
Risk Forward & Rock On,